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  • Sku: 200-420
  • Brand: Buddex

Cordless Dehorner

$344.99 CAD
$312.99 CAD

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Product Description

This Cordless Dehorner features a unique focal ring that reliably prevents horn growth in an animal friendly, humane way. The burner tip (18mm dia.) uses a high temperature of 700 degrees celsius, ensuring the dehorning is complete within a couple of seconds.

The heat-up phase only begins once pressed against the horn bud, and with no heating of the shaft there is no risk of burn to the user. Plus this battery-operated device means there is no need to worry about tripping over cables.

The single handed format gives the operator freedom to keep the calf still with the other hand, while allowing for up to 40 calves on a single charge.

Does not include a 12v charger; some older product boxes list it as included.

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