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- Sku: 553015
- Brand: Masterfeeds
- Type: Feed & Nutrition
GoalMaker Goat Premix Mineral 18:6:4.5
$48.85 CAD
Life Stages: Lactating and dry does
Masterfeeds GoalMaker 18:6:4.5 Premium Goat Premix is a highly fortified vitamin and mineral premix for lactating and dry does used to create on-farm rations using local grains and protein ingredients, fed free-choice or top-dressed.
Nutritional Analysis:
Calcium | Actual 18.00 % |
Phosphorus | Actual 6.00 % |
Magnesium | Actual 4.50 % |
Sulfur | Actual 0.56 % |
Sodium | Actual 9.25 % |
Potassium | Actual 0.23 % |
Iodine | Actual 45 mg/kg |
Iron | Actual 2,370 mg/kg |
Copper | Actual 500 mg/kg |
Manganese | Actual 2,500 mg/kg |
Zinc | Actual 3,000 mg/kg |
Cobalt | Actual 18 mg/kg |
Fluorine | Max. 500 mg/kg |
Vitamin A | Min. 400,000 IU/kg |
Vitamin D | Min. 80,000 IU/kg |
Vitamin E | Min. 1,600 IU/kg |
Selenium (added) | 16.0 mg/kg |