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  • Brand: Frey's Hatchery

Red Sex-Link

$4.90 CAD
Frey's Most Productive & Efficient Breed
327 Eggs per year

All poultry orders need to be placed at least 4 weeks in advance of delivery/hatch date. Payment is due on pickup.

Product Description

The Red Sex-Link is a top performing brown/red hybrid. Of all our brown egg layers, this is the lightest (about 3½ lbs. at 18 weeks and about 4½ to 5 lbs. after a year of laying), and the best feed converter, meaning it will cost you less to feed.

Most brown egg layer pullets will consume 9-10 kgs of feed by the onset of egg production. The Red Sex-Link will consume 7-8 kgs depending on when they start laying.

In its first year, production can reach 327 eggs. Red Sex-Link birds have done well in large free-range trials in the U.K. Females are reddish-brown in colour with white underfeathers. Males are mostly white and some may have a few brown markings on the feathers.

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